Love your neighbor as yourself. A very common phrase to hear in church!
Not belittling this scripture in any way, however we are called to more than that. If we go from Mark 12:31 to 1 John 3:16 the word says that " we know what real love it because Jesus gave up his life for us. So we ought to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters." Not only is it just loving because you are commanded and know you should but actively laying down your lives for any & everyone. This is the most clear way to
show the love of God. This has not only helped me in my compassion towards others but by asking God how he saw my teammates showed me through the filter by which I should see and respond to them. In 1 John it doesn't only say our brothers and sisters in christ but the lost, the Buddhist and Muslim neighbors. In a month my new
neighbors most likely will not know God yet, but by love situations change(because we KNOW love). Through very team meeting we have gathered and prayed about, vision, direction and just left the door open for the Lord to speak however he wants. Our team has gotten words on having chaotic joy, being a "ring" of unity, and being peace keepers. Something God has been giving me is "even the darkness isn't too dark for God" who is THE light. In Malaysia we will be woking with a homeless center, refugee and university center among other things. while in Cambodia we will most likely being a lot of kids
ministry. I have no doubt that God is going to show up & show out in these 2 countries that he sees and loves so much. If you would like to pray for us please pray for finances! This is something so easy for God, we know he has guided us to go and if you want to invest into the kingdom, into what's going on to make God known, let me know! Also pray for strength and
boldness for the team, there will be many evangelism opportunities. And the enemy knows that and will try to come against, little does he know that nothing can come against us. I have no doubt about that and no doubt that we will all grow and see miracles this trip.
While being here at YWAM I have received so much word and vision from the Lord and one thing being is that I will be back in Mexico! I am coming back next September for a SOMEA, School of Missions, Evangelism & Apologetics. The school helps equip you for long term missions and goes more depth about evangelism!